newborn session | easton
i had the pleasure of working with easton and his family in this newborn session.

easton’s mom wanted to capture these precious memories of their children, to remember how cute and small they are right in this moment of their lives.

she wanted photos of easton along with photos of them as a family.
my goal in every newborn portrait session is to capture the very short, fleeting, time right after your baby is born. they grow so incredibly quicky and it’s so hard to remember just how small they were. the essence of who they are at this special time in their lives is something you’ll want to look back on and cherish forever! i think we definitely accomplished this with easton’s final portraits!
are you interested in booking a newborn photo shoot? let’s chat about what to expect with your newborn session!
for more suggestions for your newborn session, check out: tips & tricks for a great newborn session